Saturday, October 8, 2011

Baby American Goldfinch foraging then demanding food...

8am bird hike with some nerds that know their birds. You could tell this baby (actually a juvenile) was trying to gather it's own seeds but ended up frustrated. The mom ignored it for a while as she filled up on Purple Coneflower seeds. Then came over and almost got pounced as she was trying to regurgitate the goods into junior's mouth! It's funny that juveniles like this one don't really look that young but they really are pretty helpless on their own. Look how special their feet are - designed to grip swinging stems of flower seedheads.
From North Pond w/ Chicago Ornithological Society
From North Pond w/ Chicago Ornithological Society
From North Pond w/ Chicago Ornithological Society
From North Pond w/ Chicago Ornithological Society
From North Pond w/ Chicago Ornithological Society
From North Pond w/ Chicago Ornithological Society
From North Pond w/ Chicago Ornithological Society
From North Pond w/ Chicago Ornithological Society
From North Pond w/ Chicago Ornithological Society
American Goldfinches have interesting aerial maneuvers as part of their mating rituals. They mate and nest much later in the season than most birds because they eat seeds and there are many more seeds available in the late summer and fall. From Wikipedia, info. about their nests:

"The nest is built in late summer by the female in the branches of a deciduous shrub or tree at a height of up to 10 meters (30 ft). The nest-building lasts approximately six days, during which time the female works in 10–40 minute increments. The male frequently flies with the female as she collects nesting materials, and though he may carry some materials back to the nest, he leaves its construction to the female. The outer shell of the nest is built of bark, weeds, vines, and grass.[20] The inside diameter of the finished nest is about 6.5 centimeters (2.5 in).[19] The rim is reinforced with bark bound by spiderwebs and caterpillar silk, and the cup is lined with plant down from milkweed, thistle, or cattail. The nest is so tightly woven that it can hold water, and it is possible for nestlings to drown following a rainstorm if the parents do not cover the nest.[14]"

Wood Ducks

Also seen at North Pond
From North Pond w/ Chicago Ornithological Society
From North Pond w/ Chicago Ornithological Society

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Trout hunting in Fennimore

Drove 3.5 hrs up to Fennimore, WI at 3am so we'd have a full Saturday there. I think I'd prefer to be well-rested next time :\ Saw some birds, not a ton. Had a staring contest with a woodchuck (groundhog). Trout were caught, but not by me. I'd rather see critters and take pics :)

The Cedar Waxwings were loving this cloud of midge flies? above them. You can't tell from the picture, but they are truly stunning birds. Check out the face mask... They are summer and winter residents, although may migrate if berries are less abundant.

You have to sneak up on the trout...

Wasp or fly larvae living inside galls..

Sunday, July 17, 2011

BWCA - Northern Minnesota

There were no motor boats allowed where were paddling to. They dropped us off along the edge of this Wilderness Preserve.

Loons, the most captivating sound of the North Woods. Listen to the "pair wail".

Northern Pike, had him for dinner.

Blueberries were in season :D

Mystery scat:

Somebody who eats ants wuz here:

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Palos Woodpecker Workshop

Sean had unwavering confidence (arrogance?) about his birdability today. And I have to say it was justified. Took me to where he knew there were Red-headed Woodpeckers nesting...
He spotted Sandhill cranes whilst there.
Then he asked if I'd like him to show me a Pileated Woodpecker. First time ever - watched a nesting pair for a good half hour. Saw them drumming, MATING, nest excavating, eating, and flying from tree to tree.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

North Park Nature Center

Common Ones:
Robins, RW Blackbirds, Grackles, Cardinals, Mallards, Geese

1st Sighting Ever!
Kentucky Warbler (very rare here I guess), Blue-winged Teal, Rough-winged Swallow, White-crowned Sparrow

Yellow, Yellow-rumped, Palm

Chipping Sparrow, Ruby-crowned Kinglets, White-breasted nuthatch, Blue-gray gnatcatcher, Baltimore Oriole, House finches, Tree swallow, Red-bellied woodpeckers, Great Blue Heron, Wood duck, Sharp-shinned hawk, juvie Red-tailed hawk

Lots of Ohio Buckeye leafing out and blooming, maple blooms, box elder blooms.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Eagle Cam 2011 Tragedy

Yesterday the eagle mom got hit by an incoming airplane in Norfolk, Virginia. I've been watching these sweeties since they hatched about a month ago.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Palos Squirrels

This one's for Juji...

Still no Pileated Woodpecker :( But got some shots of a mama squirrel relocating her little one! In Illinois we have Grey Squirrels and Fox Squirrels - here's how to tell the difference. A birder passer-by told me that the "drink-your-tea" songs were male Eastern Towhees.